
Sequence Analysis Tools for Molecular Biologists

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Utilities and AppleScripts

Reset MacVector Preferences

MacVector tries to maintain your preference settings across releases so that when you update, you don't lose any customizations you have made. However, sometimes this can cause unusual, and often hard to reproduce errors and glitches. Resetting the Preferences can often resolve this issues. Download and run the utility below to reset your Preferences. Please not that you will lose any customizations you have made and this action cannot be undone.


Reset The Graphics Palette

If your graphics palette disappears, you can reset it it using this utility;

Download Reset Graphics

Fastq File Splitting Utility

Use this utility of you want to split Fastq files into smaller chunks. Simply drag one or more fastq files onto the application icon and follow the instructions. For more information on this, check out this page.



There's a blog article on how you can use this utility to create a."Primer Database" from an Excel spreadsheet of primers. You can then use that database to quickly scan any sequence for primer binding sites using the Nucleic Acid Subsequence analysis function.

NOTE: This is version 2.0.1, posted on August 7th 2013. This fixes some issues where primers would get displayed in the wrong location in the Map results window if the match was to the minus strand. If you downloaded a previous version, you should replace it with this version.

PrimerConverter 2.0.1


You can use this utility to generate Restriction Enzyme files in MacVector formatfrom REBase data files. You can download the raw data files in a suitable format for the utility from this REBASE link maintained by New England Biolabs.

Download REBASEConverter

Reset Preferences

Reset Graphics Palette

Fastq File Splitter


REBASE Converter